Shamanic Plant Journey with Tommy Priester

Shamanic Plant Journey with Tommy Priester


Date: Feb 11
Also coming up on Mar 11, April 8, May 13: Second Tuesday of each month.
Time: 6:30-9:00

Instructor: Tommy Priester
Fee: $25 per class
Location: Meet via Zoom Or Live at 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln

Come join in the magic of Plant communication and ceremony. Journey with your animal guide and meet the spirit of a specific healing plant as we are guided in four shamanic journeys:

1 - Meet and work with your Power Animal
2 - Meet and learn from the plant of the night
3 - Experience the energy and properties of the plant as a tincture
4 - Access the spiritual teachings and healing energies of the plant as a flower essence, as it interacts in your consciousness.

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