Classes 2024


Native Herbalism-Plant Attunement;
Connecting with the Sacred Plant World

Caroline Gagnon

Date: July 20 & 21
Saturday 10-5 : Sunday 10-4:30
Tommy Priester
168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln, MA

The Earth Mother’s Sacred Plant World provides everything we need for our health, nutrition, and general well being.  The art and science of extracting plant medicine, tool making, and harvesting wild edibles has all been but lost to this culture.  These native tribal ways are ancient, time tested, and wholly relevant for those who yearn to take charge of their physical well being in a natural and ecologically respectful way.  In this two day interactive seminar you will learn to:

  • Energetically connect with the sacred medicine of some of the most commonly used plants in traditional Native American culture.

  • Begin or strengthen listening and communication skills with the spirits of these sacred plant friends and teachers (The plant people).

  • Extract the medicinal, nutritional, and functional properties of the plants.

  • Be in ceremony through the sacred process of harvesting.

  • Identify these plants in the wild.

  • Take your next step on the path to self reliance and freedom.

Join herbalist Tommy Priester on this guided journey into the plant world.


Climate Change, Inflammation and Chinese Medicine: Personal and Ecological Healing

Brendan Kelly

Dates: Saturday -Sunday Aug 3-4, 2024
Time: Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Instructor: Brendan Kelly, L. Ac., M. Ac.,
Fee: $300 non-refundable
Location: 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773

Using the lens of Chinese medicine, this weekend intensive will discuss the direct connection between the rapidly warming planet and the inflammation that is a root cause of many diseases. We’ll describe some of the major concepts and traditions in Chinese medicine and how they relate to treating inflammatory conditions. These include Yin/Yang, the Five Phases, the Neurology Tradition and the Schools of Cold and Heat. 

Brendan Kelly will also address how local, western herbs can be used within the traditions of Chinese herbal medicine and the vital importance of diet and lifestyle. Finally we’ll discuss how the insights of Chinese medicine can help us understand and effectively treat  modern epidemics, including Lyme disease, late-stage neurological Lyme, COVID and long COVID.

Brendan Kelly has a master’s in acupuncture and extensive experience with eastern and western herbs, including in-depth, hands-on experience growing, wildcrafting and medicine making. Since 2004 he has been combining the potency of local, bioregional medicinals with the older, pre-westernized traditions of Chinese medicine. He teaches about natural medicine and environmental issues around the US and Europe and has been a faculty member at Johnson State College/Northern Vermont University in VT, the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture in FL and Daoist Traditions in NC. Brendan is part of a multi-disciplinary team lead by Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center that in 2024 submitted a proposal to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for him to train acupuncturists to treat long COVID. He is also long-time student of Dr. Jeffery Yuen, 88th generation Daoist priest and internationally recognized teacher of Chinese medicine.

Brendan is an experienced practitioner of Tai Ch’i Ch’uan having studied weekly for ten years with Wolfe Lowenthal, who was a senior student of Cheng Man Ch’ing, the creator of the Yang style short form. Brendan practices full time at Jade Mountain Wellness, the clinic he founded in Burlington, VT where a major focus of his work is treating complex conditions including Lyme, late-stage neurological Lyme, COVID, long COVID and cancer. His first book "The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis", published by North Atlantic Books, uses the lens of Chinese medicine to look at the bigger and deeper issues of our warming planet


Energetic and Clinical Perspectives of Herbal Medicines

Michaël Friedman

Rocio Alacron

Dates: Saturday -Sunday September 7-8, 2024
Time: Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Instructors: Dr. Michaël Friedman, ND and Rocio Alarcon, PhD
Fee: $300 non-refundable
Location: 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773

This course will be exploring the use of herbs through the various organ systems such as the Nervous , Endocrine, Cardiovascular , Urinary and Blood physiology. Review of basic lab testing and impact of herbs will be also discussed in conjunction with real case studies.

The class will combine traditional herbal ceremony along with organoleptic tasting and energetic experiences of herbs.

The herbs discussed will be a combination of herbs found throughout the world focusing primarily on North American and Amazonian herbs.


Certification Courses and Training

Aromatherapy Certification Courses

Lyme Practitioner Training

Apprenticeship Certifications Courses