Come immerse yourself and be with the plants through a guided herbal walk.


Photo Credit - Diane Long

Medicinal Plant Walks

Learn to identify healing plants in our area. Medicinal plants are everywhere - in our backyards, along the streets we walk, and in open spaces all around us. We will look at plants ranging from the familiar: dandelion and plantain, to the less well known: motherwort, burdock, and ground ivy. You will learn which parts of the plants are used medicinally and how they nourish us and support health.

Walks take place sprinkle or shine - if it is raining hard enough to require umbrellas, the walk will be canceled.


First Summer Plant Walk

Date: June 28, 2025
Time: 2-4
Instructor: Ava Long - BSHS Graduate
Fee: Adult $15, free for children
Location: Kimberly Ann Rock Memorial Athletic Complex.
220 Ferris Avenue. Rumford, RI 02916

Late Summer Plant Walk

Date: TBD
Time: 5:30 - 7:00pm
Instructor: Mairead O’Neill, herbalist
Fee: Adult $15, free for children
Location: Thorndike Field Dog Park to meet
99 Margaret Street
Arlington, MA

Early Fall Plant Walk

Date: TBD
Time: 4:00-5:30
Instructor: Lucia Longnecker
Fee: Adult $25, free for children
Location: Codman Community Farm 58 Codman Rd in Lincoln next to the commuter rail

Join us for a guided tour of the fall medicinal plants - time for root harvest! Learn how to identify medicinal plants for root and seed harvest. We will talk about what roots are good for what, how to prepare them and collect some to take home and use for tea, medicine or dry for later. This walk is a collaboration with Codman Community Farms in Lincoln, MA