Ayurvedic Oils and an introduction to the 3 Doshas, the Vedic Paradigm of herbal medicine
Ayurvedic Oils and an introduction to the 3 Doshas, the Vedic Paradigm of herbal medicine
Date: April 19th
Time: 1:00-5:00
Instructor: Rachel Warnock
Fee: $55
Location: 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln, MA
Explore the Vedic system of herbs, health, and wellness! Learn the basics of the 3 doshas (elemental body types) in Ayurveda and the Vedic method of creating an infused oil via double decoction. In this 4-hour workshop you’ll explore how the 5 elements manifest as the 3 doshas in the human body, which dosha is your primary, and what that means for creating balance in your life. You’ll gain an understanding of how the elements weave and work together in your body, and an increased ability to detect imbalance. You leave with a better understanding of your physiology, tips and tricks on creating balance for yourself, and a bottle of the oil that we make during the workshop.
Recommended for people who enjoy working with herbal oils (and want to work with them more!), cosmetics, and those who want to better understand the role of the elements in herbal medicine.