Lyme Practitioner - WEBINAR

Lyme Practitioner - WEBINAR


Live or Webinar
Instructor: Tommy Priester, Clinical Herbalist, Flower Essence and Shamanic practitioner

October 21, November 4 & 18,
December 2 & 16, January 6

This class is designed to help Studying Herbalists and practitioners of all walks understand and address Lyme disease and co-infections in an effective and comprehensive way. Participants will learn how to work with Herbal and supplement protocols to eliminate symptoms and help people to return to normal functioning. There will also be information on how standard medications work and/or don't work and which tests are the most accurate. Participants will gain critical resources to help clients who have Lyme (Borelliosis), Bartonella, Epstein Bar, Bebesia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Mycoplasma, etc and Parasites of all kinds!

You will learn how to:
- Use herbs and supplements that specifically address Lyme disease, Parasites and all co-infections.
- Stop or inhibit the inflammatory response.
- Rebuild and repair collagen damage caused by Lyme.
- Address the parasites and infections that are driving LymeSyndrome.
- Address the psycho-spiritual dynamics responsible for immune suppression.
- Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Candida, Mold and Heavy Metal toxicity.
- Restore balance so that clients can live symptom free.
- Determine which tests are most accurate.

Class fees are non-refundable.

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