Advanced Topics in Herbalism

A multi-weekend intensive program with preparation for Advanced Assessment Skills Apprenticeship

For those who would like to continue their herbal journey beyond the first level Apprenticeship, we are offering advanced instruction on a variety of topics: addressing challenging disorders, strengthening formulating skills, and deepening herbal knowledge through plant journeying and guest lecturers. Students will also be introduced to a variety of diagnostic skills, assessing face, tongue, pulse, nails and sclera. This apprenticeship will be a broad education without a theme. Students will experience a depth of herbal wisdom and a breadth of practice.  

Guest teachers will be a part of this course, and will bring their expertise to share and demonstrate. These weekends will include materia medica, case studies, and protocols used to treat particular conditions. The focus of these weekends will be to identify the root cause of physical complaints.

This year’s training combines intensives with the following prominent visiting herbalists:

Caroline Gagnon, Master Herbalist, co-founder of FloraMedicina; a 4-year school for Clinical Herbal Studies in Montreal, Quebec;

jim mcdonald, a dynamic, energetic, herbalist and teacher who runs lindera, a four season herbal intensive in Michigan. jim blends a traditional european folk perspective of herbcraft with the eclectic/physiomedical approaches of 19th century American herbalism into a unique and elegant "energetic folk herbalism";

Dr Michael Friëdman, Naturopathic Physician and founder of the Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine (AARM) and the Journal of Restorative Medicine. He is the author of the medical textbook Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology;

Dr Rocio Alarcon, Ethnobotanist (Ph.D) from Ecuador who teaches shamanic (curandero) healing ceremonies with plants and focuses on biodiversity. She offers workshops around the world;

Long-time faculty members Tommy Priester and Madelon Hope.

The tuition for the 2nd Level Apprenticeship is $1,695. ($300 deposit required to sign up. Tuition and deposit are non-refundable.)

For more information, please contact us at 781.281.8787 or email herbstudies@gmail.



2025 Program Dates:

May 3-4, 2025
June 21-22
July 12-13
Aug 16-17
Sept 6-7
Oct 18-19

Topics to be covered include but not limited to the following- some topics subject to change:

TOPIC: Deepening our understanding of Formulation with Case Studies
Date: Saturday and Sunday, May 3-4
Instructors: Madelon Hope and Tommy Priester
Location: 168 Lincoln Road, Lincoln MA

TOPIC: The Lymph and the Extracellular Matrix, Guasha, and Biofilms
Saturday and Sunday, June 21-22
Instructor: Caroline Gagnon
Location: 168 Lincoln Road, Lincoln MA
See our classes page for more information on this weekend intensive

TOPIC: Shamanic Plant Journeying
Date: Saturday and Sunday, July 12-13
Instructors: Tommy Priester
Location: 168 Lincoln Road, Lincoln MA

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, Aug 16-17
Instructor: jim mcdonald
Location: 168 Lincoln Road, Lincoln MA
See our classes page for more information on this weekend intensive

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, Sept 6-7
Instructor: Michael Friëdman ND and Rocio Alarcon Ph.D, Ethnobotanist
Location: 168 Lincoln Road, Lincoln MA
See our classes page for more information on this weekend intensive

TOPIC: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis: discerning energetic patterns in the body
Saturday and Sunday, Oct 5-6
Instructor: Madelon Hope and Tommy Priester
Location: 168 Lincoln Road, Lincoln MA


The tuition for the Advanced Topics in Herbalism Course is $1,695. $300 deposit required to sign up. Tuition and deposit are non-refundable. (Installment payments include a 3% fee and are due before each of the first three weekends)

For more information, please contact us at 781-281-8787 or email